Licence Proficiency Check
Course programs and Services

Below is a comprehensive list of the services and training courses we offer either to self sponsored clients or airlines.

LPC, LST, ATPL Skills test - Boeing 737 300-900
LPC, LST, ATPL Skills test - Airbus A320

TRI/SFI Course and Renewal - Boeing 737 and Airbus A320

Type Rating Course - Boeing 737 300-900
Type Rating Course - Airbus A320
Type Rating Course including MCC


Please feel free to contact us with any aspect of legslation and licencing.
A320 Flightdeck

Boeing 737 Simulator

Boeing 737 Flight Deck

Jet Flight Training Ltd - GBR.ATO-0260 and EASA.GBR.ATO-0260
Approved directly by the UK CAA and EASA as an Approved Training Organisation